Water-based timber preservative for brush and dipping application
General Features:
- Effective woodworms and fungi
- Service life 15 years
- Clear
- Odorless
- Complies with European Norms
- Environmentally friendly
- Ready to use
- For interior and exterior softwoods
Where To Use:
Exterior softwoods to be painted above ground level:
an excellent solution for protecting facades, pergolas, decking, garden furniture, etc.
Interior softwoods:
for protecting wooden walls and floors, as well as for furniture, doors, cabinets, wooden panels, etc.
Compatibility with finishing coatings:
- oil or acrylic paints
- aqua and oil varnishes
- facades colored and colorless oils for wood.
Packaging Size: 5 L.
Color: Clear
Type: Water-based
Application Method: Brush or dipping
Number of Coats: 1 coat
Coverage (m2/L):
- Brush: 4-5 m2
- Dipping: 15 L for 1 m3
Drying Time (at 20°C and 40-65% relative humidity) / Complete Dry: 24 hours
Product Data:
Density (g/cm3): 1 ± 0,02
VOC (g/L): 0
Thinning: Ready to use, does not require thinning.
Surface Preparation:
Timber surface must be completely clean and moisture content of the wood should be below 20%.
The product is ready to use and does not require thinning.
- Keep product closed when not in use.
- The general application temperature of the product is between 15oC to 25oC at a relative humidity range of 40-65%.
- The moisture content of the wood should be max. 20%.
- The product should be protected from freezing and stored at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C.
- Painting tools should be cleaned with soap and plenty of warm water after application.
Safety Precautions:
- Do not transfer contents to other containers for storage.
- Do not use empty plastic cans for other purposes.
- To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying.
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
- Wash hands after using.
- FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with large amounts of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
- If swallowed, call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room, or physician immediately.
- Dispose of contents/plastic cans in accordance with national regulations.
- Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for health and safety information.
Brush Application: Brush the product onto the timber until it is fully saturated and allow 24 hours for drying before applying the
Dipping Application: Dip the timber in a tank made of stainless steel, polyester, or polypropylene that contains the product. For
softwoods, the dipping time should be around 6 minutes. Once you finish dipping, pull out the treated timber over the tank and let
the preservative drip for approximately 2-3 minutes. Wait for 24 hours for the preservative to completely dry before applying any
Shelf Life (5-35°C): 3 years for unopened plastic can